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Why do I keep getting infected with viruses?

Unfortunately, there is no single product that will catch every new virus. People can write malware more quickly than anti-malware tools can be updated. However, there are precautions that you can take.

  • Don’t accept a process without understanding the prompt. You may get a message from the Internet claiming that your computer is infected by a virus with an offer to fix it. Unless it’s a trusted source, don’t do it!
  • Don’t use a friend’s USB stick or CD without scanning it first.
  • Don’t open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it. Sometimes a virus is attached to an email from a friend or another trusted source, but they are totally unaware. If you aren’t expecting an email attachment, don’t open it until you verify with the sender that it is safe.
  • Keep your computer updates current. Make sure you have the latest version of your computer updates. Many of these updates are there for your system’s security.
  • Don’t use software, music, or movies unlawfully. If you participate in pirating copyrighted material, your computer is at risk because sometimes viruses travel attached to the stolen files.
  • Protect your computer with antivirus spyware scanner. Having some form of reliable antivirus and spyware protection is critical, especially for Microsoft Windows.