Over the years, our professional staff members have answered many questions posed by our customers. Our goal is to provide information that is clear, succinct and useful. The questions below represent those that have been most commonly asked. If you would like to learn more about one of the topics, or if you have a question that is not represented on our list, please don’t hesitate to call us at 714-969-3001 or email us at [email protected]. As always, HB Computers is dedicated to superior customer service at all times. No question is too small or too complex for our undivided attention.

Some other companies provide remote services. Are you able to do that too?

Yes. If you are too busy to bring your computer or device to us, we can connect to your computer remotely for only $89.00!

I’ve heard that it makes sense to have a plan that maintains my computer system on a regular basis. Do you agree?

Yes. Don’t let small problems become big ones. Opt for our home user computer maintenance agreement plan for only $179 per month and keep your systems humming at all times!

What are my options if I want a better computer?

We have a buy-sell-trade plan. In other words, you can sell yours to us, purchase a new one, trade it in, or let us refurbish it. We can even build you a custom computer according to your specifications.

How qualified are your technicians?

Our technicians are the very best! They are all highly skilled, certified and have many years of experience with both Mac products and PCs.

My IBM server is having problems. Can you work on it?

We have experience working on ALL servers, including IBM, HP, Dell and many more!

Help! I’ve lost some important files! What can I do!

Simply call us. It doesn’t matter what you have lost or what caused it – we will restore your data quickly and completely.

Tell me something about your customer satisfaction policy.

When we say 100% satisfaction guaranteed, we MEAN 100% satisfaction. We are proud of the great relationships that we have maintained with our customers and receive consistently high ratings and recognition from sources like Google, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Yahoo, and Angie’s List.

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